Water is a fundamental human right.

This understanding is reflected in our water management strategy and we actively manage the water needs of our mines within the context and constraints of the local communities in which we operate.


Our approach

Our water stewardship aims to balance our operational needs while at the same time protecting the quality and quantity of water available to our host communities

For more information on how we manage water, please view the factsheet across:

Water factsheet

You will also find more information on our water stewardship in our 2023 Sustainability Report.



recycled water


water per ounce of gold produced


total water withdrawal

Hounde water tower.jpg

When it comes to water issues, our community engagement is guided by the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (“ESIA”) process conducted. As a minimum requirement, we aim to ensure that the water needs of the community are not impacted negatively by our operations.

During 2023, the sites’ Social Performance teams collaborated with community members to identify and implement improvements to community initiatives, such as market gardens and access to community water supplies. This involved leveraging the expertise of our hydrogeologists, artisans and Project Management teams (see further information in ‘Our communities’ on pages 64-65 of our 2023 Sustainability Report).

Sustainability Report 2023


Read about our ESG strategy and the significant sustainability milestones reached in 2023.

Sustainability Report 2023