The Endeavour Board provides leadership to the Group and is responsible for its long-term success.

Board and Corporate Governance

Overseen by Corporate Secretary, Susanna Freeman

Susanna joined Endeavour in 2022 and as Company Secretary, she is responsible for Board and Group Governance. She has held senior roles in listed company governance and legal compliance for 25 years and has over ten years’ experience within the mining industry, in both Asia and Africa. Prior to joining Endeavour, Susanna was Company Secretary at copper miner KAZ Minerals PLC and she has been Company Secretary of three other listed UK companies in the software and financial services industries. She has an Honours Degree in French from Bristol University and is a UK qualified corporate and commercial solicitor. Susanna is also on the Board of International Women in Mining.​​​​

The Board delegates certain matters to its principal Committees, which are responsible for:

Reviewing the Group’s accounting and financial policies, periodic financial statements and disclosures related to the Company’s financial performance, its disclosure practices, internal controls, internal audit and risk management, and overseeing all matters associated with appointment, terms, remuneration and performance of the external auditor.

Reviewing and recommending the framework and policy for remuneration of the Executive Directors and senior executives, as well as setting appropriate performance-based targets for incentive programmes, and monitoring the remuneration philosophy applicable to the wider workforce.

Ensuring that the structure, size and composition of the Board and the Senior Leadership team are best suited to delivering the Company’s strategy. Monitoring best practice trends and particular areas of governance which are of interest to our stakeholders. Oversight of Board succession and appointments and annual Board performance reviews.

Oversight of the ESG strategy and supporting the Company in fulfilling its responsibilities in respect of ESG targets and commitments and ensuring its governance aligned with market practice and stakeholder expectations.

Assisting and advising the Board and Senior Management and discharging the Board’s oversight responsibilities in the areas of projects, exploration, security, technical and health and safety matters and reviewing and recommending the annual budget to the Board.

The Board has delegated the responsibility for the delivery of the Group strategy and the day-to-day executive management of the business to the CEO, who leads the Executive Management team to deliver this strategy. Endeavour’s Executive Management team has a significant track record of value creation, a proven ability to operate consistently, as well as to optimise mining operations and build projects and has significant exploration knowledge and capabilities.

The Disclosure Committee is a Management Committee comprised of the CEO, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Company Secretary and VP Investor Relations. It is responsible for implementing the disclosure procedures of the Company, as governed by the Disclosure Procedures Manual and in particular for identifying inside information and material information and the circumstances in which information should be disclosed, having regard to the UK Market Abuse Regulation (“UK MAR”) obligations. The Disclosure Committee meets on an as-needed basis.

Title Document
Board Charter and Corporate Governance Guidelines View
Audit Committee's Charter View
Corporate Governance & Nominating Committee's Charter View
Disclosure Committee Charter View
ESG Committee Charter View
Remuneration Committee's Charter View
Technical, Health & Safety Committee Charter View
Articles of Association View
Title Document
Board Charter and Corporate Governance Guidelines View
Audit Committee's Charter View
Corporate Governance & Nominating Committee's Charter View
Disclosure Committee Charter View
ESG Committee Charter View
Remuneration Committee's Charter View
Technical, Health & Safety Committee Charter View
Articles of Association View