We are committed to best practice in corporate governance and transparency.

Our policies are reviewed on a regular basis and approved by the Board.

Corporate policies

Title Document
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (EN) View
Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy (EN) View
Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy (FR) View
Biodiversity Policy (EN) View
Biodiversity Policy (FR) View
Diversity Policy (EN) View
Diversity Policy (FR) View
Environmental Policy (EN) View
Environmental Policy (FR) View
Fraud Policy (EN) View
Fraud Policy (FR) View
Harassment Prevention Policy (EN) View
Harassment Prevention Policy (FR) View
Human Rights Policy (EN) View
Human Rights Policy (FR) View
Majority Voting Policy (EN) View
Majority Voting Policy (FR) View
Safety and Health Policy (EN) View
Safety and Health Policy (FR) View
Sanction Policy (EN) View
Sanction Policy (FR) View
Social Performance Policy (EN) View
Social Performance Policy (FR) View
Supplier Code of Conduct (EN) View
Tailings Management Policy (EN) View
Tailings Management Policy (FR) View
Group Tax Strategy (EN) View
Whistleblower Policy (EN) View
Whistleblower Policy (FR) View
Title Document
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (EN) View
Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy (EN) View
Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Policy (FR) View
Biodiversity Policy (EN) View
Biodiversity Policy (FR) View
Diversity Policy (EN) View
Diversity Policy (FR) View
Environmental Policy (EN) View
Environmental Policy (FR) View
Fraud Policy (EN) View
Fraud Policy (FR) View
Harassment Prevention Policy (EN) View
Harassment Prevention Policy (FR) View
Human Rights Policy (EN) View
Human Rights Policy (FR) View
Majority Voting Policy (EN) View
Majority Voting Policy (FR) View
Safety and Health Policy (EN) View
Safety and Health Policy (FR) View
Sanction Policy (EN) View
Sanction Policy (FR) View
Social Performance Policy (EN) View
Social Performance Policy (FR) View
Supplier Code of Conduct (EN) View
Tailings Management Policy (EN) View
Tailings Management Policy (FR) View
Group Tax Strategy (EN) View
Whistleblower Policy (EN) View
Whistleblower Policy (FR) View

Whistleblower Line

Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal
Call collect/reverse charge:

United Kingdom call toll free:

North America call toll free:

Sustainability Report 2023


Read about our ESG strategy and the significant sustainability milestones reached in 2023.

Sustainability Report 2023