Sustainability lies at the heart of our purpose of producing gold that provides lasting value to society.

The long-term success and viability of our business requires responsible stewardship of our environmental impact, a strong licence to operate and ethical business practices.

Endeavour’s focus on ESG matters is intended to benefit all our stakeholders; our employees and contractors, our host communities and countries, our suppliers and shareholders.

Our ESG strategy

Our ESG strategy has been designed to put into practice our corporate purpose: producing gold that provides lasting value to society. The guiding principle of this ESG strategy is to play an active role and have a lasting positive impact on our host communities and countries. This applies across all our operations and in our engagement with broader society.


Protecting and promoting the places where we operate.

  • Climate
  • Water
  • Biodiversity
  • Plastic
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Helping to create resilient and self-sustaining communities.

  • Socio-economic Development
  • Education
  • Health
  • Access to Water and Electricity

Being trusted to unlock the full benefits of the material we mine.

  • Human Rights
  • Zero Harm
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Ethical Business

Implementation of our strategy

Take local action through our sites and offices
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Offices Site

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Amplifying our actions through the Foundation
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National            Regional International
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Our ESG framework

Our ESG framework seeks to identify material issues, engage with stakeholders and set a mixture of annual and longer-term targets in order to successfully implement our ESG strategy and ensure that we meet our ESG-related compliance obligations.

Our ESG commitments are captured in a set of globally applicable policies that are informed by and aspire to international best practice. Our policies are reviewed at least annually and approved by the Board.


Our policies


We combine corporate oversight with site-level leadership, fostering a shared ownership. Our ESG SteerCo is responsible for the development and successful implementation of our ESG strategy, overseen and supported by the Board ESG Committee.


Board committees


We have implemented robust management systems that align our activities with international best practices. 

We follow a number of globally recognised ESG reporting frameworks, including the Global Reporting Initiative (“GRI”) Universal Standards (2021), including the Mining Sector Standard, the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) requirements, the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) recommendations and the Local Procurement Reporting Mechanism (“LPRM ”)

We also continue to implement the World Gold Council’s Responsible Gold Mining Principles (“RGMPs”) and in January 2024, we became early adopters of the new Task force for Nature-related Financial Disclosures (“TNFD”)

We are members of the UN Global Compact, the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (“EITI”), the Women’s Empowerment Principles and the Single Mine Origin (“SMO”) initiative. We are also continuing our membership application for the Voluntary Principles Initiative (“VPI”) and became an engaged member in May 2023 as part of that process. We hope to become full members during 2024.

We have a range of targets and key performance indicators to monitor associated risks and opportunities, track ESG performance and drive continual improvements. Targets are agreed by the Board and monitored on an ongoing basis, as well as being externally reported every year. This report details our progress against our 2023 targets, and sets out our 2024 targets. It also demonstrates how our targets align with the ambitions of the UN SDGs.

Our sustainability targets are also integrated into Group incentive schemes, on both a short-term (annual) and long-term (three year) basis.

We track progress and monitor material sustainability-related risks and opportunities using a wide range of key performance indicators (“KPIs”) and set a mixture of annual, medium and long-term targets to drive continual improvements in our ESG performance. A number of these KPIs and targets are aligned with the ambitions of the UN SDGs. We report annually to our stakeholders on activities, impacts and performance and frequently discuss progress with employees, investors, in-country stakeholders and ESG ratings agencies via dedicated meetings, quarterly results and public presentations.


ESG reporting


Our contribution to the UN SDGs



At Endeavour, we recognise the important role that businesses can play in achieving the goals and have identified 10 priority UN Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) upon which we focus our efforts – striving to make a meaningful contribution through our approach to sustainability management, our community development initiatives and broader ESG programmes.



We believe this commitment aligns well with the goals of our key investors, with 75% of our top 20 institutional shareholders being signatories to the United Nations-backed Principles of Responsible Investment (“PRI”) and therefore integrating the SDGs into their engagement practices, investment strategies and decisions.

Our commitment to the SDGs is also supported by our reporting approach in accordance with the GRI Standards. The recently published GRI Mining Sector Standard further reinforces this by setting out an overview of the industry’s likely material topics and their connections with the SDGs. A number of our priority goals, such as SDGs 1 and 8 are explicitly stated as potential ways the mining sector can enhance positive impacts.

Our UN SDG targets and performance


SDG target

  • 1.4 By 2030, end hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round.

Related material topic

  • Community Development

Endeavour’s 2023 contribution

  • Skills development, with ~210 youths receiving vocational training.
  • Shea butter project generating revenue for 890 women from 15 villages.
  • +1,600 national and local suppliers supported.
  • ~16,200 workers employed across Endeavour’s mines.
  • 913 households received the land titles to their new properties, as part of our resettlement process.
  • $1 million invested in community economic development projects across our sites.


SDG target

  • 2.3 By 2030, double the agricultural productivity and incomes of small-scale food producers.

Related material topic

  • Community Development

Endeavour’s 2023 contribution

  • Supporting 15 projects around our mines in agricultural improvement and food security, including market gardens, poultry farms, pork farms and agricultural equipment, such as tractors.
  • New community rice project implemented at Lafigué, benefitting 99 people.
  • Improvement of an irrigation system for the market gardening of four women’s agricultural cooperatives in the village of Saré.


SDG target

  • 3.3 End the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable diseases.

Related material topic

  • Zero Harm

Endeavour’s 2023 contribution

  • Malaria prevention campaigns conducted across the Group.
  • Launched community malaria strategy at our Ity mine.
  • 25 women trained and deployed in four villages at Sabodala-Massawa as part of the Senegalese national malaria programme targeting children.
  • Funded free, voluntary Health Caravan across our four mines: ~2,500 employees tested for diabetes, hypertension, HIV, tuberculosis, malaria and hepatitis B.
  • Mana mine won Best Occupational Health Services Award by the Burkina Faso Labour Medical Inspectorate


SDG target

  • 4.1 Ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education.
  • 4.4 Substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.

Related material topics

  • Local Employment
  • Community Development
  • Diversity, Equality and Inclusion

Endeavour’s 2023 contribution

  • 537 internships provided to men and women for on-the-job experience.
  • 314 bursaries awarded to children of Endeavour employees to reward academic success.
  • Funded literacy and numeracy classes for 500 adults around our Lafigué mine.
  • 29 students receiving full scholarships, plus living expenses, for university degrees as part of our Elites De Demain programme.
  • Partnered with the Ivorian Government and GIZ to fund vocational training of 150 youths at our Lafigué mine.


SDG target

  • 6.1 By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all.
  • 6b Support and strengthen the participation of local communities in improving water and sanitation management.

Related material topic

  • Water Stewardship

Endeavour’s 2023 contribution

  • Conducted feasibility study on water infrastructure around our Mana mine.
  • 492 households around our Sabodala-Massawa mine receive potable water from a system powered by solar energy.
  • Two boreholes rehabilitated at primary schools around our Houndé mine.
  • Six solar-powered water pumps drilled by Lafigué in villages around the mine.


SDG target

  • 7.1 By 2030, ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services
  • 7.2 By 2030, substantially increase the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.

Related material topic

  • Climate Change

Endeavour’s 2023 contribution

  • We invested $0.4 million in community electricity projects.
  • Launched construction of a solar facility and battery system at our Sabodala-Massawa mine.


SDG target

  • 8.5 Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men.
  • 8.8 Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers.

Related material topics

  • Local Employment
  • Zero Harm

Endeavour’s 2023 contribution

  • 94% of our employees are nationals.
  • 57% of our Senior Management are West African.
  • 11% of our employees are women.
  • 113,386 training hours related to health, safety and emergency response.
  • Group LTIFR and TRIFR below industry benchmark.


SDG target

  • 13.1 Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries.

Related material topic

  • Climate Change

Endeavour’s 2023 contribution

  • Net Zero ambition by 2050.
  • Targeting 30% reduction in emissions intensity by 2030.
  • Reported emissions intensity of 0.604 tCO2-e/oz, beating our 2022 target.
SDG in action

The power of diversity and inclusion: Empowering women

At Endeavour, we believe diversity and gender equality are not just values, but powerful drivers of our success. A diverse workforce fuels innovation, strengthens decision making and reflects the communities we serve.

Achieving true gender equality requires proactive measures. We are building a robust pipeline of talent and investing in professional development.

  • 22% new hires in 2023 were women
  • 44% of the Board are women
  • 25% of our Management Committee are women

We are actively encouraging the next generation of women to consider a career in mining. We showcase the exciting opportunities and rewarding paths available in this dynamic industry.

  • 300 young women attended our Wo’Mines Day
  • 5 women on full scholarships for a mining-related degree
  • 39 young girls awarded four-year education bursaries
SDG in action

Protecting biodiversity: A commitment to sustainable practices

At Endeavour, we understand the critical importance of protecting nature. We are committed to responsible mining practices that prioritise conservation and biodiversity.

We have committed to not mining in World Heritage sites ensuring these areas of ‘Outstanding Universal Value’ are protected for future generations.

We have annual targets for land rehabilitation and reclamation. These support restoration of natural habitats and responsible mine closure. In 2023, 302 hectares were planted and 84 hectares were reclaimed.

Through our Endeavour Foundation, we actively contribute to the Great Green Wall project in Senegal, with 390 hectares being reforested, actively combating desertification.

The Responsible Gold Mining Principles

The Responsible Gold Mining Principles

We are pleased to confirm that we have received external assurance for our conformance with the RGMPs for all our mines.

The Responsible Gold Mining Principles (“RGMPs”) is a framework, introduced by the World Gold Council, that sets out clear expectations for consumers, investors and the gold supply chain as to what constitutes responsible gold mining.

Developed through extensive stakeholder consultation, the RGMPs comprises 10 main principles and 51 sub-principles that address all material environmental, social and governance issues for the gold mining sector.

The RGMPs require implementing companies to:

Make a public commitment to align with the RGMPs.

Develop internal systems, processes and performance that conform with the principles.

Report publicly on the status of conformance with the principles.

Obtain annual independent assurance on their conformance with the principles at both mine site and corporate levels.



Runner Up

Best Company for ESG & Sustainability, Metals & Mining – ESG Investing



Best Company for Sustainability Reporting, Metals & Mining – ESG Investing



ESG Producer of the Year – Resourcing Tomorrow Awards

ESG reporting

Transparent ESG disclosure

Sustainability Report 2023


Read about our ESG strategy and the significant sustainability milestones reached in 2023.

Sustainability Report 2023
Our material issues

To ensure we have a solid understanding of the sustainability issues that could impact our business and our ability to deliver long-term value to our stakeholders, we regularly conduct sustainability-related materiality assessments. These assessments help us to identify and evaluate these topics, and consider input from within our business and from our external stakeholders to find common material topics. To determine these common material topics, our process involves consultation, survey, analysis and validation, with the ESG Board Committee ultimately approving our material topics.

Read more on our materiality in our 2023 Sustainability Report.