We are committed to respecting, protecting, supporting and, where possible, fulfilling the human rights of all individuals impacted by our operations.

Our approach
We respect the human rights of all our stakeholders. Endeavour recognises the following material issues present the greatest risks to human rights: labour, hazardous waste, water, security, resettlement, artisanal and small-scale gold mining and operational impacts (dust, noise and vibration).
RGMP compliance for our Mana and Sabodala-Massawa mines
substantiated reports of bribery or corruption, human rights or modern slavery abuse
became Engaged Member of the VPSHR
set out the Group’s three-year human rights roadmap
launched our modern slavery online training
formal supporter of EITI
2024 Targets
Enhance Human Rights Online Training for employees
Roll out Human Rights Awareness Campaign in our host communities
Continue progression to full membership of the VPSHR
Enhance procedures for compliance with new corporate fraud legislation
Develop investigations procedures to complement whistleblower reporting

We respect the human rights of all our stakeholders
Our commitment is set out in our Human Rights Policy, which confirms our approach is informed by international instruments such as the International Bill of Human Rights, the United Nation’s Guiding Principles, the International Labour Organisation’s fundamental principles as well as our membership of the World Gold Council. This includes a commitment to implement the Responsible Gold Mining Principles. The policy is reviewed and updated annually. We also expect our business partners to share our commitment to human rights and we leverage our business relationship to advance human rights.
We have zero tolerance for any form of child labour or slavery, including forced labour. We work hard to ensure that our supply chains comply with international standards and that we do not cause, or are complicit in, human rights abuses, either directly through our activities or through our business relationships.
We identify our potential human rights impacts through a variety of methods, including environmental and social impact assessments, health and safety risk assessments, supplier due diligence, grievance and corporate whistleblower mechanisms, security risk assessments and general stakeholder engagement processes.
Endeavour provides remedy for adverse human rights impacts that are a result of our operations through the various grievance mechanisms for our employees, our local communities and via our whistleblower hotline. We report on human rights-related grievances to the Board as part of our quarterly whistleblower reporting mechanism.
At Endeavour, we prioritise our stakeholders’ health, wellbeing, dignity and rights and we therefore work proactively to identify any human rights risks to ensure that our stakeholders are not exposed to those.
Human rights
Where impacts occur
- The Group and our supply chain
Relevant policies
- Human Rights Policy
Reporting frameworks and initiatives
- GRI – various disclosures
- SASB EM-MM-210
- RGMP 5 Human Rights and Conflict
- UN Global Compact Principle 1 and 2 Human Rights
- SDG 1 No poverty
- SDG 2 Zero hunger
- SDG 3 Good health and well-being
- SDG 4 Quality education
- SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth
- SDG 10 Reduced inequalities
- SDG 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions

Turning our human rights commitments into action
We have embedded a dedicated human rights programme within our compliance framework. This programme seeks to actively safeguards human rights by proactively mitigating risks, ensuring early detection and swiftly responding to any concerns. We are committed to continuous improvement, regularly evaluating and strengthening our programme’s effectiveness, both within our operations and with our business partners.
Implementing the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights
Following extensive training throughout 2022 and 2023, we are actively working to integrate the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (“VPSHR”) across our business through stakeholder engagement. We see elevating awareness of the VPSHR among our employees, our host communities and our industry peers as an important responsibility.
Sustainability Report 2023

Read about our ESG strategy and the significant sustainability milestones reached in 2023.